Here’s why more
students learn with AIF

We don’t just offer any old fitness qualification; we offer ‘THE’ fitness qualification. Our Master Trainer Program™ delivers the industry’s most recognised qualification in fitness. Built on evidence-based Accelerated Learning Techniques, developed by world-class experts and delivered by professional educators, it’s undisputedly the most fun and effective way to get ‘THE’ qualification employers really want.

Be the best you can be and build your career with our Career Head-Start Service™, providing unrivalled access to working opportunities. It’s time to ask the question – are you interested in just a piece of paper, or one of the best fitness careers in Australia?

For us, experience is everything. That’s why our students regularly score our course experience at over 9/10. Our unique learning platform allows you to study in your own space, at your own pace. With access to virtual classrooms and interactive webinars, you’ll have the best tools and knowledge to succeed as a fitness professional. That’s why our online course boasts a graduation rate of almost 4 times higher than the industry average.

Unlike some of our competitors, we don’t just offer support that ends when we take your money… We offer Support Plus™. Coaches designate time throughout the week to proactively contact students via phone, email or video call; in addition to weekly designated virtual and on-campus tutorial time, and proactive student assistance before and after workshop sessions. That’s support others can’t match.