Sports Injury Science Webinar Series

AUD $119.40


Thomas Stringwell





Course Type

Licensed Course

Course Overview

As practitioners working within sports performance and with general populations alike, it is vital that coaches have a solid understanding of the epidemiology related to sports-related injuries, the associated risk factors with such injuries, and how such injuries can be prevented via effective Performance Training. The Sports Injury Science Webinar Series aims to provide coaches with a greater level of knowledge of such injuries, their causes, and evidence-based preventive strategies. The Sports Injury Science Webinar Series explores the overall injury prevention process within strength and conditioning practice, the epidemiology and the injury risk factors associated with Achilles tendonitis, lateral ankle sprains, patellofemoral pain, ITB syndrome, lower back pain and lumbopelvic training, shoulder impingements, overuse injuries, and the research findings on injury prevention specific to each of these common injuries.

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this course, you will understand:

  • Describe the relationship between athletic performance and athlete robustness
  • Describe the injury prevention process including the identification of the common injury risk factors associated with an athlete’s chosen sport, injury epidemiology, and implementation of preventive measures
  • Gain a greater overall understanding of sports injury science and the prevention of sports injuries
  • Explain the epidemiology, prevention, and rehabilitation guidance of ankle injuries in sports including Achilles tendinopathy and lateral ankle sprains
  • Explain the epidemiology, prevention, and rehabilitation guidance of knee injuries in sports including  anterior cruciate ligament injuries, patellofemoral pain, and Iliotibial band syndrome
  • Explain the epidemiology of spinal injuries within sport
  • Describe the protective mechanisms of the lumbopelvic complex including intra-abdominal pressure, thoracolumbar fascia, myofascial slings, optimal spinal mechanics, and the importance of hip mobility and stability
  • Describe Lumbopelvic training theory including low and high threshold lumbopelvic exercises, the relationship between trunk endurance and lower spinal injuries, lumbopelvic training exercise categories
  • Explain epidemiology, prevention, and rehabilitation guidance of shoulder injuries in sport including supraspinatus impingement, shoulder overuse injuries, and shoulder muscular imbalances

About the Author

My name is Thomas Stringwell and I am the founder of Your Gym Sports Performance Ltd, an education provider that specialises within the fields of strength and conditioning and sports science. I am an accredited strength and conditioning coach with the UKSCA. Currently, I provide performance consultancy services across a range of sports including rugby union, rugby league, soccer, handball, boxing, mixed martial arts, BMX supercross, strength sports and Youth Athletic Development.

I hold an MSc in Sports Biomechanics (Loughborough University), a 1st class honours degree in Sport and Exercise Science (Manchester Metropolitan University) and a Certificate in Education teaching degree (Huddersfield University), with future ambitions of completing a PhD within the field of motor learning, constraints-based learning and non-linear pedagogy.

I have a real passion for education and coach development, having both coached and taught within the fields of strength and conditioning and health and fitness for over a decade. I am a lifelong strength sports enthusiast, having competed in Olympic Weightlifting and Powerlifting at a national level, with a genuine drive to support and educate coaches throughout our industry.

Your Gym Sports Performance prides itself on educational excellence, providing evidence-based education to aspiring sports and fitness professionals, whilst supporting practitioners throughout their coaching journey. Our Strength and Conditioning educational pathway enables sports and fitness practitioners to progress within their professional arena, providing coaches with the necessary skill set to apply performance training within their current practice. We aim to inspire and motivate coaches to develop as professionals, creating a lifelong learning experience that assists practitioners beyond the completion of their course, whilst raising the standard of sports performance education within the health and fitness sector.



CECs/CPDs | Access Period

CEC expiration date 12 Sep 2023 – 11 Sep 2025

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