Supporting Older Adult Clients with Healthy Ageing

AUD $53.40


Kate Kraschnefski





Course Type

Network Original

Course Overview

Exercise and physical activities provide a wide range of health benefits with no upper age limit and are integral to maintaining health and wellbeing at all stages of life. Despite this, participation rates in older populations are extremely low.

Personal trainers should see this as an opportunity to broaden their market, offer a valuable service as well as positively contribute to community health. This course provides an introduction to what makes training older adults unique, how to motivate and support them as a PT, as well as tailored training guidelines for testing and programming.

Learning Outcomes

  • An understanding of the benefits of physical activity in older adult populations
  • Key factors in motivating older adult clients to adhere to exercise
  • Suitable options for fitness testing older adults
  • The risk of falls in ageing populations and strategies to mitigate these
  • Recommended exercise guidelines for older adults
  • Exercise recommendations based on health specific outcomes

About the Author

Kate began her fitness journey in 2004. After graduating at the Australian Institute of Fitness, she immediately secured a role as Gym Manager on a luxury cruise liner sailing the Mediterranean and the Caribbean for eight months.

This was an incredible opportunity for Kate to hone her fitness skills, and on her return, she secured the role of PT Manager at Fernwood Brisbane City. In addition to a busy PT schedule, during this time Kate also taught yoga, Pilates, freestyle aerobics and group cycling.

Keen to develop her business skills, Kate then went on to work as a Sales and Marketing Manager for Creative Fitness Marketing for almost three years, working in over a dozen different gyms around Australia and travelling internationally several times.

After that stint she started her own personal training business and soon became a Coach at the Australian Institute of Fitness.

She is passionate about Russian Kettlebell Training and represented Australia in Girevoy Sport at the World Championships in Dublin in 2015.

In addition to her Executive Role at the AIF, Kate coaches a small group of PT clients on their fitness journey and instructs Les Mills RPM every week.

Kate is grateful to have had such a varied and exciting career in fitness, and loves managing the passionate team that helps our graduates begin their own amazing journey!



CECs/CPDs | Access Period

CEC Expiry Date: 01/06/2026.

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