The Fitness Zone

Secure a Job With These Personal Training Interview Tips

Nov 14, 2016 | by AIF

Whether you’ve just received your Master Trainer qualification, decided to change your work environment, or wanting a different position, knowing how to nail the interview process is key for you to find, and secure your dream job. So, Anna Swan, Fitness Coach at the Australian Institute of Fitness, Perth, shares her FIVE tips that will help you put your best foot forward in pursuing your career goals.

#1 Nail Your Resume and cover letter

Your resume and cover letter are the first things your potential employer will read about you, and is your opportunity to influence their first impression of you. The quality of these documents will also more than likely be the reason you do, or do not make it to the interviewing stage, so it is imperative you nail them.

Your cover letter should be tailored to the job you are applying for and provide a short, and snappy summary of WHY you would be an asset to their business.

For your resume, you need to highlight your USPs (unique selling points), illustrating your point of difference to other applicants. Make sure you sell yourself, by putting down all of your relevant previous experience or personal development you have gained.

Lastly, make sure you have read over and checked your grammar and spelling, this can make or break an opportunity!

#2 Nail Your Presentation

First impressions count, which includes the moment you walk into the room confidently with a firm handshake, friendly smile and professional attire. Ensuring your clothing is clean, good quality and covers the appropriate areas sounds obvious to some, but believe it or not, is an area that many PTs let themselves down. Remember you are attending an interview, not going for a training session or a night out, so dress appropriately. It’s important to look like you care, have made an effort and take pride in your appearance. You don’t want to look like you’ve rolled out of bed and are still half asleep, so men have your facial hair groomed and women have your hair pulled back neatly.

#3 Nail Your Business Plan

A gym will want to know your business plan. How many sessions a week do you want to be taking? What sort of clients do you want to train? How are you planning on increasing your personal/ professional development? Where do you want to be in 5 years’ time? Having an answer such as ‘so I can earn enough to pay rent’ isn’t going to wow your interviewer. Yes, this is an important factor, but it doesn’t exactly portray you as an enthusiastic PT, who has thought about their future and wants to succeed in the industry. Make sure you have a clear frame of what you want to achieve prior to your interview. A potential employee that’s driven, has thought about their future career and wants to continually improve their skills, after their initial qualification, is the type of PT that is going to be an asset to their company.

#4 Nail Your Personal Training Consulting Skills

There is a high chance your interviewer will put you on the spot to conduct a consultation or a particular type of workout to see how well you perform under pressure. Make sure you have brushed up on your consultation process and have a few different types of workouts up your sleeve. This way if they ask you to conduct a 20 minute strength or HIIT session you can do so, confidently and at a high level. Your future employer may relate this to a real life scenario if one of the other PTs went home sick, they know that you can competently take on a client last minute. This will also show your level of knowledge of what exercises to use, for different outcomes, or goals.

#5 Question your potential employer

Don’t just think are you the right fit for them,but rather are they the right fit for you? What can they offer you? Are they going to help you progress in your desired direction? Will this job allow you to live the kind of lifestyle you want? Don’t be afraid to question your employer in fear of not sounding enthusiastic about the possible job. They will more likely respect your interest in what you’re signing up for and finding out all the possible information. Remember, different jobs suit different people so invest your energy into applying for the ones you really want, or ones that will help you get where you want to be in the future.

There you have it, the key ingredients for a successful interview. Now what are you waiting for? Go and get that job you’ve been dreaming about and GOOD LUCK!



The Australian Institute of Fitness
The Australian Institute of Fitness (AIF) is the largest and longest established fitness training organisation in Australia, with dynamic training methods and expert course coaches nationwide - spanning fitness, massage and nutrition. The AIF qualifies more fitness professionals than any other provider in Australia, as well as offering a broad range of continuing education courses (CEC), upskilling resources and partnership programs for existing industry.

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Disclaimer: Where Certificate III in Fitness, Cert III/Cert 3, or Fitness Coach is mentioned, it refers to SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness. Where Certificate IV in Fitness, Cert IV/Cert 4, or Personal Trainer is mentioned, it refers to SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Master Trainer Program™ is mentioned, it refers to Fitness Essentials and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Master Trainer Plus+ Program™ is mentioned, it refers to SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Certificate IV in Massage or Cert IV/Cert 4 is mentioned, it refers to HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy. Where Diploma of Remedial Massage is mentioned, it refers to HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage.

