The Fitness Zone

Studying to be a PT in a Time when the Health of Australians is so Important

Apr 14, 2020 | by Jessica Bryant

The importance of health and wellbeing has never been more relevant, as the spread of COVID-19 encourages us to do what is best for the safety of our community and self isolate in the comfort of our homes. Whilst in isolation, we turn to online versions of our favourite fitness classes or even Zoom call our personal trainer to try and stay healthy and fit. Soon enough, things will return to normal; we will be allowed out of our homes and back at the gym with a brand new appreciation for the ability to move our bodies, workout with friends and to have the opportunity to prioritise health and fitness with access to all the tools required.

Claudia Natasha (@claudianatasha__) is a health and fitness influencer, mum of two, and current AIF student studying online from her home on the Sunshine Coast. We caught up with her about what drew her to the fitness industry, why she is studying to become a personal trainer and if the current climate has changed her perspective on health and fitness. Here is what she had to say:

What drew you to the fitness industry? 

“I have always been a truth seeker and one of those people who need to get to the bottom of things. What started as a little information digging into health and fitness, turned into a real passion and way of life as I started to make healthy changes and see the positive impact they were having on both myself and my family.

It all started for me when I had my firstborn over ten years ago. Born with a range of health issues including severe food allergies and eczema, I went on a mission to heal her naturally.  Autoimmune diseases and related issues also run in my family and as you can imagine it’s so hard to watch the ones you love in pain and suffering. I have also had my fair share of health issues over the years from diagnosed anxiety disorder to chronic Urticaria (commonly known as hives) and suspected endometriosis.

For me, living a life of wellness has always been not so much about a lifestyle change but more about a way of life and has given me so much more out of life both mentally and physically.  Whether it be that hour of ‘me time’ each day when I go to the gym, using food as medicine and nourishing my body and my family with wholesome and healthy foods, teaching my kid’s healthy habits for the future, or keeping my mental game strong and managing life’s stress through a solid sweat sesh! It helps me show up each day as the best version of myself so I can handle anything life throws at me and I want to help people to do the same.”

Why do you want to become a qualified personal trainer?

“I believe who you are and what you do should be the same thing and becoming a personal trainer, for me, is a way I can help people make positive changes in their life. As an extension of who I am, a career in the fitness industry is a way to live a life of service, purpose, and intention.  So here I am, thirty-two years of age, taking a leap! Turning what I live and breathe each day into a career because I want to share and give back to something that has given me so much life and served me so well over the years.

AIF has made all this possible. They deliver the most recognised fitness qualification in the industry and have the number one qualification employers are looking for. As a student of the  Master Trainer program™, I am learning exactly what I need to, in order to coach people who want to make positive changes for their health, fitness, and wellbeing through exercise.

When you consider personal training, there are so many things that lure you into the industry.  Whether it be the fact that obesity and diabetes rates are growing to epidemic levels, or that committing to a healthy and active lifestyle has so many benefits to our health, longevity and overall vitality and that the industry is ever-growing because there is always going to be more people who need extra help. As a personal trainer, you get to help someone change their life and watch an amazing transformation, and that is really exciting.

Leading a life of example and inspiring people to achieve their goals through training, nutrition, and mindset has always been a dream of mine and I am beyond excited that I am now making this happen. Being strong, fit and healthy is what keeps me motivated, on top of my game and inspires me each and every day and I  simply can’t wait to finish my studies and get into the business of ‘feeling good’ and helping others to do the same! “

Has the current state of the world changed the way you feel about the fitness industry or about becoming a personal trainer?

“This is certainly a unique time in history, where now more than ever the world is calling for health, wellness and fitness professionals to step up, spread their message and shine their light!

People in general are realising that making health a priority, and being healthy, is more of a necessity rather than a luxury. With this in mind, I am even more excited about becoming a health and fitness professional. I want to guide people on their way to look after themselves, both physically and mentally through nutrition and exercise so they can handle anything life throws at them.

The current government restrictions that have been put in place to protect us, are seeing more people at home with more time up their sleeve. This presents a wonderful opportunity to catch up on those things you have always wanted to do but never had time for, like learn a new skill, or start an online course. It’s probably one of the best times to be a student right now! If a career in health in fitness is something you have always wanted to do, now is the time to do it because the world is calling for it. There has never been a more perfect time to go for it and chase those dreams!”

Become A Qualified Master Trainer With Aif

We have made it easier than ever to get qualified and pursue your passion for health and fitness with our Online and Online Plusᐩ Master Trainer Program™. AIF provides world-class eLearning programs with dedicated support, interactive webinars and virtual classrooms so you can kickstart your career in fitness.

Jessica Bryant

Jessica Bryant

Communications & Marketing Manager

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Disclaimer: Where Certificate III in Fitness, Cert III/Cert 3, or Fitness Coach is mentioned, it refers to SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness. Where Certificate IV in Fitness, Cert IV/Cert 4, or Personal Trainer is mentioned, it refers to SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Master Trainer Program™ is mentioned, it refers to Fitness Essentials and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Master Trainer Plus+ Program™ is mentioned, it refers to SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Certificate IV in Massage or Cert IV/Cert 4 is mentioned, it refers to HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy. Where Diploma of Remedial Massage is mentioned, it refers to HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage.

