
AIF In The Media

Be curious, try new training and keep growing, with Marin Lazic

Mar 03, 2020  |  Published by Oliver Kitchingman

Marin Lazic is a TRX Master Instructor and former professional water polo player. Here, he chats with The Fitness Industry Podcast’s Oliver Kitchingman about the revelation of suspension training, how new training modalities can challenge even the super-fit, using technology to monitor anomalies in body temperature and predict sickness, and reaching out to people you admire in the industry to benefit from their experience.

Listen here.

Oliver Kitchingman

Oliver Kitchingman

The Australian Institute of Fitness

Oli is Content Manager for Australian Institute of Fitness (AIF). He spent a number of years collating, curating and creating content as the editor of Australian Fitness Network’s Network magazine, and has worked across a number of other fitness titles and events. When he’s not slicing and dicing words or shooting the breeze with fitness figures on the Fitness Industry Podcast, he can be found pounding Sydney’s pavements on a quest for the elusive runner’s high.

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