The Fitness Zone

BOOK REVIEW: Strength Training Anatomy, 4th Edition

Nov 02, 2022 | by Angela Muddle

Title: Strength Training Anatomy, 4th Edition

Author: Frederic Delavier

Publisher: Human Kinetics, ISBN: 9781718214866

Details: Paperback, 192pp

RRP: AUD$56.90

Reviewed by Tony Boutagy, PhD, AEP, AES

If you are interested in strength training, either professionally as a coach and trainer or as someone who wants to improve their health, fitness, and body composition, then Strength Training Anatomy is an absolute must have. There is a good reason why there have been over 2 million copies sold of this book – it’s an indispensable addition to understanding exercise prescription, as it clearly shows and explains almost every exercise you can perform in the gym. With that in mind, to celebrate the 4 th edition of this wonderful book, I offer 4 reasons why everyone must own this book.

Reason one: encyclopaedic exercise library
Many people training in the gym have their favourite exercises. And we tend to stick to our usual two or three exercises and forget that there are typically a dozen or more movements for the same muscle group to explore, which keep things interesting in the gym and minimize the risk of monotony and plateauing in certain lifts. Strength Training Anatomy provides the reader with numerous exercises and variations, including the primary movements and their derivatives that will keep you going for months, if not years with fantastic exercise selections.

Reason two: functional anatomy come alive
Most people find anatomy a less than thrilling subject. But Strength Training Anatomy makes this subject come alive, as there are beautifully illustrated pictures of every movement being performed, with which muscles are contributing as prime movers, helpers and stabilisers. The artistry is incredible, and it really does make the anatomy exciting – you will never wonder what muscle is being used during certain lifts ever again.

Reason three: exercise tips
With regards to exercise technique there are many strong opinions found on the Internet and social media. Strength Training Anatomy provides the reader with sensible, evidenced based, and highly reliable advice on exercise technique and how to execute the movement correctly. What I also found highly useful, was the subtle variations described by altering stance or forearm orientation to bring about a change in muscle recruitment. So not only do we have all the primary movements explained, but we also have numerous variations by altering body position to create a whole new exercise. There are fantastic tips the entire way through the book that help the reader of avoid common pitfalls and errors with exercise technique and also how to perform the lifts optimally.

Reason four: strength exercise biomechanics made easy to understand
How should we perform exercises and stretches? If you perform it in one way is there a potential for injury and harm? This is where sports biomechanics can help us. Strength Training Anatomy contains numerous pointers using biomechanics to help us get the most out of exercises, stretches, and variations that will minimise the chance of being injured, helping us understand the mechanism of injury in the event that that occurs and what is happening at an anatomical level to avoid injuries and harm.

Strength Training Anatomy really is a must have book for all people who enter the gym – numerous exercises and variations clearly explained, the anatomy brought to life during the exercises, what muscles are engaged during every lift, tips and techniques to get the most out of exercise and to avoid injury. And expert information regarding the correct execution of lifts and stretches so that we can enjoy a long lifetime of safe and productive lifting.


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Angela Muddle

Angela Muddle

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