How to maintain ongoing
relationships with clients

The first impression is critical to your relationship with a new client, but of course it’s just the first step in an ongoing work-in-progress.

Time to build on the foundations you’ve established. Once you’ve made the initial connection, you need to focus on nurturing and managing the relationship and you need to put in the effort if you want it to continue long term.

Trust is vital to the longevity of any relationship, and this certainly applies to those you have with your PT or massage clients. Your clients are putting their wellbeing in your hands (and paying you to do so!) so they need to be able to trust your skills, knowledge and your integrity. To build trust, along with providing a high standard of service, you need to be consistent, honest and communicate effectively.

Some clients may start training with you to solve a specific issue or reach a short term goal. If you are a PT, this might be that they want to lose 5kg ahead of an upcoming wedding, or as a massage therapist this might look like addressing some shoulder pain they are facing. In such instances there’s always a risk that after they’ve reached this immediate goal, they will stop using your services.

One of the many benefits of building a strong relationship with such clients is that they are more likely to stay with you, feeling confident in your ability to help them maintain their success or further increase their fitness and wellbeing.

As they make progress in their training with you, it’s worth regularly checking in on how they are feeling not just physically, but also mentally. By drawing attention to the increased happiness, focus and energy that accompanies enhanced physical fitness, you can help them to truly appreciate the unseen, but strongly felt, benefits of your work.

As the multi-faceted value of your training becomes apparent, and your connection strengthens, you can work with your client on creating a long term plan for their fitness and wellness.

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