The Fitness Zone

Graduate, Nathan Scicluna Shares his Journey & Tips on Becoming a PT

Oct 02, 2020 | by Jessica Bryant

From professional ballet dancer to qualified Personal Trainer, F45 Club Manager and business owner of Crew Fitness Hub, it is clear that Australian Institute of Fitness graduate, Nathan Scicluna is definitely meant for the fitness industry, but is there a secret to having a successful career in fitness? We ask the man himself and find out exactly that!

Before starting or even considering to become a Personal Trainer, Nathan had spent a large portion of his life as a professional Ballet Dancer with the Queensland Ballet Company – ten years to be exact. It was at the age of thirty when Nathan retired from dancing, that he realised an office job was not for him. “I needed something that was active and also knew I needed my new career to spark that same passion and emotion that dancing did, and as a Trainer, seeing others achieve personal growth brings that same feeling within.”

It was when Nathan had decided to become a Personal Trainer and was actively looking into courses when a friend of his who was completing the Master Trainer Program™ online, referred him to study this course. “Instinct is what drives me and when I walked into AIF I just had a really good feeling that this is where I needed to do my training” said Nathan.

“The friendly staff made me feel comfortable, and you could tell it was a well-organized campus and flexible hours of the part-time course fitted perfectly. “

“It had been a while since I’d hit the books and I’ve got to be honest, it was a bit tough for the first 2 weeks, but If you have a passion, you persist, and the course was the perfect blend of both physical and book smart knowledge. There were so many times throughout the course where you forget you’re studying because you’re having way too much fun,” shares Nathan. 

When we asked Nathan what his highlight of the course was, he responded saying there were so many to name just one. “My first group training experience, engaging a class of 30 was an amazing feeling, and the time I broke my PB on the treadmill with my classmates cheering me on was awesome,” says Nathan who adds, “the biggest highlight would have to be completing my final assessment, the Master Challenge, and realising how far I had come, and then being awarded the Energizer award. To have such a great group of friends in the class award me with this was the icing on the cake.”

Since completing his Master Trainer Program™ 4 1/2 years ago, Nathan has enjoyed a wild ride in the industry, meeting and training a number of influential people of all ages along the way. He is currently running his own business ‘Crew Fitness Hub,’ a boutique group fitness facility in Toowong, Brisbane which offers 20+ classes a week including group HIIT / Strength / Stretch as well as the option for more personalised PT sessions and the many benefits of infrared Sauna. Talk about keeping busy – but it is very clear that he loves it!

“It’s been over a year since opening the gym with my partner Sophie who is currently studying with AIF online while working at Queensland Ballet. In that time we have been through renovations to lift our house and create the purpose-built facility, we unexpectedly celebrated our 12month anniversary in lockdown where we decided to celebrate by surprising each of our members with a surprise door knock and gift, and through these times we are so grateful to have been supported by our wonderful community of members, it makes it all worth it!

“I love where I am at the moment, it’s great to be able to work with a variety of people and train in all different styles. The vibe at CREW is out of this world, and running my own business allows me to draw on what I learnt as a PT and help our community become stronger and aware of their bodies, and in turn they’re less likely to get injured.” 

When it comes to tips for entering the fitness industry, Nathan says taking the plunge and putting yourself out there is a must! “When you complete your course, you finish on such a high, so you want to keep that energy pumping through your veins – and this is what your future employees will see, so don’t leave it too long.” 

In addition, Nathan says “be patient, persistent and passionate about what you do. It may take time to find where you are meant to be, but If you’re good at what you do, people do take notice.”

Learn more about a career in the industry, by studying our Master Trainer Program™. 

Check out Crew Fitness Hub on Instagram: @crewfitnesshub 

Jessica Bryant

Jessica Bryant

Communications & Marketing Manager

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Disclaimer: Where Certificate III in Fitness, Cert III/Cert 3, or Fitness Coach is mentioned, it refers to SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness. Where Certificate IV in Fitness, Cert IV/Cert 4, or Personal Trainer is mentioned, it refers to SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Master Trainer Program™ is mentioned, it refers to Fitness Essentials and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Master Trainer Plus+ Program™ is mentioned, it refers to SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Certificate IV in Massage or Cert IV/Cert 4 is mentioned, it refers to HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy. Where Diploma of Remedial Massage is mentioned, it refers to HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage.

