
AIF In The Media

Lifehacker AU | May 30, 2022
5 Simple Exercises That’ll Help Strengthen Your Abs
Sculpted abs would have to be one of the most lusted-after physical attributes there are. They’re featured all over fitness …
Serotonin | May 05, 2022
5 reasons to work out today, that have nothing to do with how many calories you might burn
General manager of training at the Australian Institute of Fitness, Brodie Hicks, has a bone to pick with our obsession …
Body & Soul | May 03, 2022
Why you should take more rest days (and not feel guilty about it)
Here, Brodie Hicks from the Australian Institute of Fitness explains why you should always factor in rest days. It’s tough when …
Nine Honey | Apr 04, 2022
Cheap workout options for budget-conscious fitness fans
Welcome to nine.com.au‘s Super Savings Week. We’re joining forces with the Today show to bring you all the best tips and …
Body & Soul | Mar 28, 2022
Is morning the best time of day to work out? And how to make it work for your lifestyle.
Does the time of day really matter when it comes to exercise? Fitness expert and nutrition coach, Kate Kraschnefski breaks …
Body & Soul | Mar 23, 2022
Lazy girl workout: 7 exercises you can do without even leaving your bed
We all need a day off the workout sometimes, but you can still do something great for your body even …
| Mar 10, 2022
Why we all need TikTok’s ‘silly little walk’
Could something as simple as walking really play such an important role in our overall health and wellbeing? Well, the …
| Mar 08, 2022
CYPHER LEARNING named LMS provider for Australia’s largest fitness training organisation
CYPHER LEARNING, a leading provider of learning platforms for schools, universities and organisations around the world, announced today its partnership …

